DSN Eye Contact

We have created an app, that helps you find people that have the same interests as you!

Once a person, sharing the same interests as you, is nearby , both of you will receve a special notification, then all you have to do is look around, go up to them and strike a conversation – simple as that.

DSN Eye Contact – does not collect any personal data on a central server nor does it collect users’ personal data. Data is not stored anywhere, except users phone. In compliance with EU data storage regulations, specifically Regulation (EU) 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), no data is retained by app creators. Just by users on their devices. The only way the application collects data is locally on the device, and the user configures which data they want to share and compare with others, using Bluetooth Low Energy technology (BLE) to transmit data to other users. Users are notified if a match is found that has compatibile parameters. Encription is used.