About us

Inspired by the need to enhance real-world social interactions, DSN EyeContact was born from the vision of creating a dating app that goes beyond virtual connections. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, people often miss out on the rich experiences that come from direct, personal interactions. They set out to design a solution that encourages people to look up from their screens and engage with those around them.

DSN EyeContact uses Bluetooth technology to connect individuals based on shared interests and relationship goals. Our decentralised app operates offline, ensuring privacy and security while facilitating spontaneous encounters. When two users with matching profiles are near each other, their phones vibrate, prompting them to make eye contact and initiate a conversation. This simple yet effective approach helps users build authentic connections in their everyday lives.


  • Privacy: We prioritize your privacy by ensuring no personal data is harvested or stored.
  • Simplicity: Our app is designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal setup and effort.
  • Authenticity: We encourage genuine, face-to-face interactions that foster real relationships.
  • Innovation: We use cutting-edge technology to bring people together in new and meaningful ways.

Join Us: We invite you to join our growing community of users who believe in the power of eye contact. Whether you’re looking to make new friends, find a romantic partner, or expand your professional network, DSN EyeContact is here to help you connect in a more personal and impactful way.

Thank you for being part of our journey to make the world a friendlier, more connected place. Together, we can rediscover the beauty of human interaction, one glance at a time.

Our goals are : We want you to keep your phone in your pocket, we will add customization of ways, the app notifies you. Support for other wearable devices like miband, galaxy watch and other, also IPhone version. Improve other aspects all this needs time and effort (money) If you would like the app to improve, – tell others to use it. Contribute test, give us feedback… and allow us to work to make it better.

paypal: basiceconomypublishing@gmail.com

Account number in Eur: 11 1140 2004 0000 3712 1736 8931

You can also donate cryptocurrencies :

ETH: 0x6bA504a3F00C79E4e42F590aa262EC45b4bDF9c2

BTC: bc1qrnmsfr83gqca3d2g8knrcv8xhqx5awa7xwtw7g

Litecoin: ltc1qe2rss7644z4asvx6awnxnsjd2jwk7jd698aft0

Solana: FTp7vZ3nseG23gofpm1gvGjktnZxJMi3MEewgTvTf6dK

DOGE: DHGnbkUX4rqRY26jPaDf2Fu7RJgsZKRwXe